kids become overweight

Why children become overweight
A diet high in energy and fat combined with little physical activity or exercise will lead to someone becoming overweight.
Your family's eating habits and activity patterns will affect body weight. You also inherit body type and shape from your parents.
Possible problems for overweight childrenOverweight children can have difficulties in several ways.
Most often they may feel different from other children, which can affect their confidence. They can also be subjected to bullying from other children. This may make parents feel worried about children taking part in everyday activity such as school sports.
Unfortunately, this can make weight control more difficult. Although health problems are less common in childhood, children who continue to be overweight into adulthood can develop:
  • High blood fats with the risk of heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Joint problems
  • Breathing problems
  • Some forms of cancer.

Overweight caused by medical conditions is rare, but always check with your doctor if you are concerned.

How to make healthy food choices A healthy diet is not only what your child eats, but how much. All children should eat regularly, including healthy snacks. Good nutrition starts early in life. Wherever possible try to:
Breastfeed and introduce solids at around six months.
Encourage a wide variety of nutritious foods. No particular food should be forced or overly restricted.
Consider using reduced fat dairy products after two years of age.
Offer mostly cereals, grains and breads, vegetables and fruits, with moderate amounts of meat products and dairy foods.
Limit added fats such as oil, margarine and butter.
Offer fresh vegetables and fruit instead of processed snack foods.
Include treats such as cakes, chips or takeaway foods occasionally (once or twice per week). Enjoy them as a family.
+ Offer children water when they are thirsty. Sweet drinks including juices, cordial and fizzy drinks are not necessary and can contribute to tooth decay.

Things to remember
Involve the whole family in healthy eating and activity.
Encourage active play and sport.
Limit sedentary activities such as TV, screen games and computers to no more than two hours a day.