First Aid for Breathing Problems

Sometime We are get panic, the first aid for help we are child,

this maybe can help u :

First Aid for Breathing Problems
American Institute
Some 44 million Americans suffer from allergies and asthma and have trouble breathing during an attack. What's more, there are millions of people who have breathing difficulties because of grey, gritty smog and air polluted by poorly tuned engines and cigarette smoke.
Breathing difficulties also affect people who are very allergic to some types of shellfish, nuts, medications and insect bites. These people can suffer an allergic reaction called anaphylactic shock. This reaction begins within minutes of exposure to the substance causing the allergy. During this type of allergic reaction, the airways narrow, making it difficult to breathe. Soon, the heartbeat races and blood pressure drops. Anaphylactic shock can kill if a person is not treated within 15 minutes.

Breathing difficulties from some things may require emergency care.
In children they include:
. Wheezing
. Croup, a virus with a "barking cough" common in young children
. Epiglottitis, which is inflammation of the flap of tissue at the back of the throat that closes off the windpipe
. Diphtheria, which is a very contagious throat infection
. Heart defects children are born with

In children and adults they include:
. Severe allergic reactions
. A face, head, nose or lung injury
. Carbon monoxide poisoning
. Harsh chemical burns in the air passages
. Choking
. Drug overdose
. Poisoning
. Asthma
. Bronchitis and pneumonia

In adults they include:
. Emphysema
. Congestive heart failure
. Heart attack
. Blood clot in a lung

. Avoid allergic substances or agents that induce asthma, if you have it.
. Do not walk, run or jog on roads with heavy automobile traffic.
. If you have a gas furnace, have it checked once a year for carbon monoxide leaks.
. Never leave your car running in a closed garage.
. Make sure immunizations against childhood diseases, especially diphtheria, are up-to-date. This is part of the Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP) vaccination.
. If you smoke, quit.
. Keep small objects a child could choke on out of reach and do not give gum, especially bubble gum, nuts, hard candy or popcorn to children under five years old.
. Lock up all medications and poisonous substances so small children can't get to them.